Lawyer with 21 years of professional experience, having worked in the fields of Economic, Business, Banking Law and Gaming Law.
In a consultative capacity, works in the preparation, analysis and negotiation of national and international contracts; in structuring business and financial products and operations; and in structuring gaming, betting and prize draw operations. Also provides advice on governance and regulatory compliance.
In the scope of judicial litigation, works in complex disputes, especially regarding Superior Courts, as well as in the definition and execution of procedural strategies that consolidate jurisprudential positions on topics referring to the financial system. Has extensive experience in strategic litigation management, working in planning and in mapping work processes in companies’ legal departments.
In the scope of administrative litigation, defends economic stakeholders in administrative procedures and processes in general.
- Doctor and Master in Law from the University of Brasília (UnB);
- MBA in Finance from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV);
- Certificate in the Counselor Training Program (Fundação Dom Cabral);
- Specialist in State Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Uerj);
- Bachelor of Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Uerj).
Professional experience
- member of the Brazilian Bar Association (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil/OAB) Federal Council’s Banking Law Commission (2022-present);
- member of the Brazilian Bar Association-RJ Special Commission on Sports, Lottery and Entertainment Law (2022-present);
- was member of the Member of the Brazilian Bar Association Federal Council’s Special Committee on the Law of Sports Games, Lotteries and Entertainment (2019-2021);
- was Central Bank of Brazil Attorney for 10 years, having worked in legal consultancy and advice, as well as in administrative and judicial processes referring to monetary policy; exchange rate policy and international capitals; organization, regulation and supervision of the National Financial System; and special insolvency regimes for financial institutions;
- was Deputy Coordinator of the Department of Relevant Judicial Proceedings (Coordenação de Processos Judiciais Relevantes), having worked on drafting procedural documents and formulating strategies for complex litigation, especially regarding the Federal Supreme Court and Superior Court of Justice;
- was Deputy Legal Consultant at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, having been head of the department responsible for legal advice referring to science and technology legislation, especially on topics concerning promotion of research and development;
- was Deputy Legal Consultant at the Ministry of Education, holding the legal body responsible for advising on matters related to the regulation and supervision of higher education, as well as the financing of fundamental and basic education;
- was a lawyer at Caixa Econômica Federal for four years, having worked as Legal Coordinator and Litigation Operational Manager of the Legal Department; worked on the planning and management of Caixa’s litigation strategies, nationwide, with emphasis on the Superior Courts. One of his main achievements at Caixa was the conception of the legal-procedural strategy that gave rise to Federal Supreme Court Binding Sumula number 1.
Academic Performance
- Academic Coordinator of the Study Group on Financial Law and Regulation at the University of Brasília
- Professor of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the Brasília School of Law for years, teaching Economic Law, Economic Administrative Law and Banking Law (2009-present);
- was General Director of the OAB-DF Law School (2019-2021);
- was a professor of Economic Law for undergraduate Law at Centro Universitário IESB (2009-2011)
- Order of Military Judicial Merit (Distinction Degree), granted in 2022 by Brazil’s Superior Military Court (Superior Tribunal Militar/STM);
- winner of the Seae Lottery Award (2018), in the “lottery regulation” category, with thesis “Regulatory Framework for Lotteries in Brazil: reflections on the present and contributions to the future”;
- winner of the 4th Anbima Capital Market Award (2008), in the “master’s” category, with dissertation “The judicial review of interest rates in banking contracts: a critical analysis from the perspective of economic law”.
- Quando o Tigre paga o Pato: contribuições jurídicas para a boa compreensão das recentes operações policiais contra apostas clandestinas”. Portal BNLData, Rio de Janeiro, 2024.
- “Regulação das apostas online no Brasil (parte 4): a importância de se construir uma agenda regulatória”. Portal BNLData, Rio de Janeiro, 2024.
- “Regulação das apostas online no Brasil (parte 3): a importância e os elementos para uma política regulatória”. Portal BNLData, Rio de Janeiro, 2024.
- “Regulação das apostas online no Brasil (parte 2): contribuições para a concepção de nossos sistema regulatório”. Portal BNLData, Rio de Janeiro, 2024.
- “Regulação das apostas online no Brasil (parte 1): por onde começar”. Portal BNLData, Rio de Janeiro, 2024
- “Governança Regulatória: contribuições para o mercado de Jogos e Apostas à luz da experiência brasileira e internacional” – co-authorship article presented at XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Regulação ABAR (2023)
- “Responsible gambling: challenges for bookmakers in Brazil and lessons from international experience“. Portal Games Magazine Brasil, São Paulo, 2023.
- “Súmula CRSFN e ‘Conselhinho’ como instância revisora do BC e da CVM” (co-autorship). Portal Conjur, São Paulo, 2023.
- “Jogos e apostas esportivas no Ministério da Justiça: uma luz no fim no túnel?“. Portal BNLData, Rio de Janeiro, 2022.
- “O novo regime sancionador nos mercados financeiro e de capitais” (co-organizer). São Paulo: IASP, 2019.
- “Marco Regulatório das Loterias no Brasil: reflexões sobre o presente e contribuições para o futuro“. In: BRASIL. Secretaria de Acompanhamento Fiscal, Energia e Loteria. A regulação de loterias no Brasil e aspectos de responsabilidade social corporativa das loterias [livro eletrônico]. Brasília: Edições Valentim, 2018.
- “Carta a um jovem advogado da área de Direito Econômico”. Portal Jota, São Paulo, 2017.
- “A construção da identidade institucional da regulação bancária brasileira: uma análise à luz da teoria do path dependence”. Revista de Direito Administrativo, v. 276, p. 47-75, 2017.
- “Desafios Estruturais para a Regulação e a Supervisão Financeiras: o modelo Twin Peaks e sua ascensão no pós-crise”. In: SCALQUETE, Ana Cláudia Silva; SIQUEIRA NETO, José Francisco (Coord.). 60 Desafios do Direito: Economia, Direito e Desenvolvimento. São Paulo: Atlas, 2013, v.2, p. 148-172.
- “Juros Bancários”. São Paulo: Atlas, 2012.
- “Juros bancários: uma análise de direito comparado”. Revista Jurídica da Presidência da República, v. 13, n. 99, p. 51-88, 2011.
- “Os Juros no Pensamento Econômico: a evolução do debate acerca da legitimidade e dos limites de sua cobrança”. Revista de Direito Público da Economia, v. 9, n. 33, 2011.
- “O Registro do Capital Estrangeiro no Brasil e sua Regularização em face da Lei n.º 11.371/06”. In: JANTALIA, Fabiano (Org.). A Regulação Jurídica do Sistema Financeiro Nacional. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2009, p. 191-213
Presentations and Lectures
- “Banking Law: Current Affairs and Technology” – Panel at the 24th National Conference of Brazilian Law (November 2023)
- “Legal Analysis of the Brazilian Gaming and Betting Regulatory Environment” – Panel at the Brazilian iGaming Summit (June 2023);
- “Applicable penalties and standardization of dosimetry: difficulties, points of attention, limitations, review by the CRSFN” – Panel at the Seminar “Administrative Sanctioning Process at the Central Bank” – BCB (November 2022);
- “Interbank Deposit Certificates (CDI)” – Lecture at the 2022 Legal Symposium – Central Sicredi South Southeast (October 2022);
- “Gaming regulation: legislative advances” – Seminar of the OAB-DF Gaming Law Commission (October 2022);
- “Predatory Litigation” – Lecture at the 1st National Congress of Banking Law of the Federal Council of the OAB (September 2022);
- “Cooperative Technical, Educational and Social Assistance Fund” – Southern Region Cooperative Law Seminar (August 2022);
- “The importance of responsible gaming in the post-regulation period” – Lecture at the Brazilian iGaming Summit (June 2022)
- “Best Gaming Regulation Practices“- Webinar of the Special Commission on Sports Gaming, Lottery and Entertainment Law of the Federal Council of the OAB (December 2021);
- “Seizability of Small Rural Property” – Lecture at the Legal Meeting of Central Sicredi Brasil Central (November 2021);
- “Seizability of Small Rural Property” – Lecture at the Central Sicredi Sudeste Legal Meeting (July 2021);
- “Modernization of the Legal Exchange Framework” – Lecture at the OAB-DF Banking Law Commission (June 2021);
- “Legal Security in Access to Credit and renegotiating contracts” – Lecture at the DF Banks Association (Assban-DF) (March 2021);
- “Banking Resolution: the Origin of Complementary Bill 281/2019“ – Webinar held by the São Paulo Lawyers Institute – IASP (August 2020);
- “Gaming Regulation in Brazil: pros and cons” – Presentation at the Participatory Legislation Committee of the Chamber of Deputies (December 2019);
- “Financial regulation in Brazil: challenges and evolution in the digital era” – Lecture at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (January 2019);
- Foreign Exchange from the perspective of the National Financial System Resources Council” – Lecture at the Brazilian Foreign Exchange Association – Abracam (September 2018);
- “Financial regulation: challenges and evolution in the digital era” – Lecture at the 10th Cycle of Lectures on the regulatory process,
- “The CDI Rate as an indexer for credit operations: legal aspects” – Lecture at the Legal Symposium of Central Sicredi Sul/Southeast (August 2018);
- “Administrative Sanctioning Process at the Central Bank: main innovations” – Lecture at the Association of Banks in the State of Rio Grande de Sul (May 2018);
- “Administrative Sanctioning Process at the BCB and CVM: new legal framework” – Lecture at the National Confederation of Financial Institutions – CNF (April 2018).