Foto Paulo Portuguez

Paulo Portuguez


Foto Paulo Portuguez


Lawyer specializing in the fields of Banking Law, Administrative Sanctioning Law and Labor Law.

In judicial litigation, works in monitoring highly complex matters regarding the Federal Supreme Court, the Superior Court of Justice, and the Superior Labor Court (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho/TST).

In administrative litigation, works especially in administrative sanctioning proceedings regarding the Central Bank of Brazil, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the National Financial System Appeals Council.


  • Master’s student in Law at the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (EDB/IDP).
  • LL.M in Economic Criminal Law (EDB/IDP).
  • Bachelor of Laws from the Brasília Law School (EDB/IDP).

Further tuition

  • Minicourse on Economic Criminal Law – University of Brasília (UnB, 2020).
  • Introduction to Anti-Corruption Law and Business Compliance Course – Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP, 2020).
  • General Data Protection Law: impacts of the New Law on Brazilian Companies – Escola Superior da Advocacia do Distrito Federal (ESA/DF), 2019.

Professional experience

  • Vice-President of the OAB/DF Banking Law Commission (2019/2020).
  • was Associate Lawyer at a firm specializing in civil and labor matters.

Academic performance

  • Member of the “Economic Penal Systems” research group, organized by IDP, aimed at scientific investigation of legal studies on economic crime and relevant topics within the scope of economic criminal law – 2020.


  • Payment solutions for the iGaming market in Brazil“. Portal Games Magazine Brasil, São Paulo, March 2024.
  • “Criptomoedas podem ser usadas como veículo para concretização de apostas esportivas?” Portal do Bitcoin, São Paulo, December 2023.
  • “Súmula CRSFN e ‘Conselhinho’ como instância revisora do BC e da CVM” (co-authorship). Portal Consultor Jurídico, São Paulo, July 2023.
  • “Inaplicabilidade do CDC às cooperativas de crédito“. Portal Consultor Jurídico, São Paulo, October 2022.
  • “A possibilidade de tutela provisória antecedente recursal na apelação“. Portal Consultor Jurídico, São Paulo, January 2022.
  • “Expansionismo penal e segurança jurídica em processos administrativos sancionadores”. Portal JOTA, São Paulo, September 2020.
  • “Aspectos estruturais do acordo administrativo em processo de supervisão: morte prematura do instituto negocial. In: ALVES, Rui Fernando Ramos; ROCHA, Pedro Henrique Pessanha; JANTALIA, Fabiano. O novo regime sancionador nos mercados financeiro e de capitais: uma análise da Lei 13.506/17. São Paulo: IASP, 2019.
  • “Processo administrativo saneador no sistema financeiro: déficit regulatório, contexto legislativo e contencioso constitucional“. In: ALVES, Rui Fernando Ramos; ROCHA, Pedro Henrique Pessanha; JANTALIA, Fabiano. O novo regime sancionador nos mercados financeiro e de capitais: uma análise da Lei nº 13.506/2017. São Paulo: IASP, 2019.
  • “Limites das penalidades impostas pelo Banco Central: Administradores, diretores e conselheiros podem receber multas maiores do que as aplicadas à pessoa jurídica?“, Portal Jota, agosto de 2019